Getting Started with Domain-Specific Languages This topic explains the basic concepts in defining and using a domain-specific language (DSL). ... Notice the following aspects of the new solution. Dsl\DslDefinition.dsl This is the file that you see when you create a DSL solution.
Read-Only Domain Controller « Jorge's Quest For Knowledge! Posts about Read-Only Domain Controller written by Jorge ... The Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC) Branch Office Guide is now live on TechNet and the Download Center! TechNet:
Domain-specific learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Domain-specific learning theories of development hold that we have many independent, specialized knowledge structures, rather than one cohesive knowledge ...
Domain-general learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia By contrast, core knowledge theorists believe we have highly specialized functions that are independent of one another, adhering instead to a domain- specific ...
Expertise and Domain Specific Knowledge | in Chapter 07 ... Much problem solving involves domain-specific knowledge. That is knowledge relevant to a certain domain that is an environment or situation or class of ...
Knowledge | 23 Dec 2009 ... Self-regulatory knowledge can be divided into two types, including domain specific knowledge and domain general knowledge (Alexander, ...
Domain-Specific Knowledge and Why Teaching Generic Skills Does ... 1 Jun 2014 ... Domain-general cognitive knowledge has frequently been used to explain skill when domain-specific knowledge held in long-term memory ...
Types and qualities of knowledge. general) and domain specific knowledge, concrete and ab- stract knowledge, formal ... cillary knowledge, supplementary knowledge, case-specific knowledge ...
Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition from Text - Association for ... Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition from Text. Dan Moldovan, Roxana Girju and Vasile Rus. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. University ...
What is DOMAIN-SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE? - Psychology Dictionary Psychology Definition of DOMAIN-SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE: The specialised knowledge of a specific topic.